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helpful hints...

If leaving a voicemail about LOBSTER, it is VERY helpful to give us as

much information as possible;

  • Quantity of lobsters?

  • Size of lobsters (1.25#, 1.5#, 2#, 3#, etc)?

  • Are you taking them LIVE or STEAMED?

  • If STEAMED, what is the DESIRED pick up time?

  • And MOST important is your call back phone number stated clearly.


Lotsa  Lobster  Recipes...

Baked  lobster  tails

Here's a really easy recipe you'll enjoy!


Make delicious lobster tails and impress your friends.


In a small bowl, combine butter, salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, lemon juice, and parsley, then brush the mixture evenly over the lobster meat.


Place the tails onto a baking sheet, then bake for approximately 12-15 minutes, until the lobster is fully cooked but not rubbery.

Lotsa Lobster Seafood Market
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